2 Year Nursing Diploma Program Syllabus Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) . The Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) Syllabus/Curriculum of the Pakistan Nursing Council (PNC). Because each person approaches an issue in a different way, nurses must be able to care for a wide range of patients with varying needs. Even in this day and age, when the healthcare industry is becoming more technologically sophisticated, it is critical for nurses to maintain their education so that they can keep current on new procedures, gadgets, and treatments that are produced or enhanced on a daily basis. Although teaching children should always come first, they also need to know how to heal in addition to curing.
Curriculum for Certified Nursing Assistants (CNAs):
2 Year Nursing Diploma Program Syllabus. In order to recover from physical illnesses and lead healthy lifestyles. A great number of individuals require the assistance of a practical nurse. In most cases, individuals in this category look for the support of a licensed practical nurse. A two-year diploma program will allow them to learn what they. Need to know about providing care on three different levels, very similar to what nurses learn. While working in hospitals or other community settings. PNC must grant authorization to nursing schools in order for the institutions to offer. Licensed Practical Nurse training programs, and the schools themselves must be affiliated with a hospital. This paper provides guidelines for establishing the LPN curriculum. Over the next two years, specify what areas should be covered. And how they should connect to the average 26 credit hours that students would get during that time. The directions are offered in this paper.
- The Applicant must meet one of the following academic levels:
- FSc 45% minimum
- FA 45% minimum
- Matric with Science 45% minimum
- Metric with Arts 50% minimum (for the remote area)